Formal student photos

Formal student photos

Many schools choose to include the formal class, group or individual photos taken during the year, in most cases they will be taken by the company called Photolife.

YOLO can source the photos directly from Photolife, this will ensure that we have the higher resolution version of these photos.
Please be aware that Photolife charge the school to supply the sport team photos and also require a purchase order (PO) from the school before they will release them.
Ask your accounts person to provide you with a PO.

Photolife also require that all the names of students have been checked and approved prior to the names being typed up and supplied to us. This needs to be organised within the school well ahead of the material due date (if possible), in order to not delay production of your yearbook.

If you have chosen to include individual student portraits in your yearbook, then we will send you portrait photo proofs ahead of the yearbook 1st proofs, so that you have time to check and confirm that there are no errors in spelling of names or that the student names have been correctly assigned to the right photo and class or form group. These proofs need to be checked and all approved ahead of the 1st proof due date, and ideally by the material due date if possible. 

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